Cloud Solutions
Archive Solutions
Save storage space for on-premises data
Did you know that Microsoft Exchange stores data without de-duplication
and some fully redundant systems can store up to three copies of each message in the local infrastructure.
Dynamic Data Management
Unless you are keeping everything forever, the ability to delete data is sometimes as important as the ability to retain it.
Retaining data through solutions like backup do not afford ability to manage the retention and solutions like Office 365 require specific license levels to manage retention.
eGovernance will allow policy-based retention and destruction of data regardless of O365 license type.

Eliminate accidental and willful data destruction
Users have control over their data and accidental or purposeful deletions can have impacts on recovery or have implications on investigations. Archives provide a read-only view into older data.

Safeguard data with an off-site copy for retention or compliance
Many organizations maintain off-site backup but some of these are not conducive to simple recovery of individual messages and cloud systems like Office 365 merely replicate your data and do not back it up.
eGovernance will maintain a physically separate accessible copy of the data which is not impacted or governed by host system infrastructure or software.
It can be searched, located and forwarded back to live mailbox.
Maintain control of your data
Data should belong to the organization regardless of where it is stored and should not be held for ransom.
eGovernance solutions provide unlimited export functionality for your data in multiple formats and have the capability to provide you the data in non-proprietary format or migrate it directly into a Microsoft O365 or Exchange system.
Provide sophisticated & easy to use tools to find data
With retention of data comes the chore of having to locate pertinent pieces of information within the plethora of transient and irrelevant correspondence.
eGovernance provides easy to use sophisticated search tools for beginners and professionals to find data without memorizing Boolean statements and syntaxes.