eGovernance Solution
eGovernance is a Cloud based solution for preserving, discovering and accessing digital data
within your email and document storage systems for
compliance, audit, security, eDiscovery and warehousing of critical or older data.
We provide fully managed solutions with access to subject matter experts in the fields of
Information Governance, records retention policies and eDiscovery.

Meeting the needs of organizations struggling with information bloat or wishing to retain independent discoverable copies of important information, eGovernance Archiving provides fully managed and policy driven access for auditors and end-users.

Providing a set of sophisticated and simple to use tools to search, refine and extract data in support of FOIA requests, litigation or internal audits; eGovernance provides organizations with rapid and efficient data discoveries to meet ever growing regulatory and financial deadlines.

eGovernance addresses the requirements of organizations to provide regulatory compliance as well as those organizations wishing to monitor and assess compliance with their own internal policies. Compliance and Security officers can monitor for sensitive content and take action to eliminate or mitigate potential threats or liabilities.
Feature Demos
Content Export
Case Management
Our senior professional services practice has been supporting Information Governance and eDiscovery for over a decade. We have the technical, professional and legal resources to assist organizations address their data management concerns.
Information Governance
Information Governance defines the accountability framework to ensure proper behavior in the lifecycle of information from creation through access controls, accountability and destruction.
It encompasses the processes, policies and procedures that allows organizations effective use of their information
eDiscovery is a generic definition of the ability to search, analyze and produce electronic documents for a wide range of requests including legal, regulatory, security and investigations.
Tools provide one piece of the puzzle but eDiscovery works hand in hand with eGovernance policies and procedures.
Compliance Monitoring
Organizations are increasingly under the scrutiny of regulatory bodies, legislation and security to govern and monitor the content of information systems which produce billions of documents per day.
Our Information Governance experts can address and simplify the overall process.
IT Professional Services
With over 2 decades of experience in all aspects of networking and information processing, our team of expert Microsoft certified and Cloud Service Providers can bridge the gaps between information, security and technology to provide usable solutions that address business productivity and simplicity.
About eGovernance
eGovernance is a cloud-based solution built on top of iPro compliance and eDiscovery software, managed by the eMazzanti Technologies and Messaging Architects teams.
eMazzanti is a global, managed services organization and Microsoft Cloud Services Partner. We recognize that information is the lifeblood of any organization and without it, running the business is impossible. It’s the only critical asset that you will never find as a line item in a financial statement but without it the organization is no longer effective.
From records management’s newest challenge, GDPR, to traditional file cabinet-based healthcare information management, staying compliant in today’s marketplace is an extreme challenge and our team is here to help you solve your data management and eDiscovery requirements.